Today was Core de Force Power. And it meant breaking one of my rules. I used to say that I only work out for 20-35 minutes. Anything less than 20 minutes and it doesn't seem worth it. Anything more is just too long and intimidating. But I really wanted to keep doing the Core de Force program so today I challenged myself and tried Power. And it rocked. Yes, it's long - 12 rounds. But because of format of the exercises, it never drags and I never get bored. I just needed to ensure that I had enough time to complete the workout. However, I was interrupted a few times, once by my daughter, and a couple times from texts. Now usually this throws me off my workouts and I just quit, but I am really getting better at sticking to them and finishing strong. This is a huge deal for me.
Another thing I've noticed is I finally get that "runner's high" or burst of endorphins at the end of a workout. I never used to get that. All I ever got was tired. And for the rest of the day! I used to not work out in the morning because for the rest of the day, I was wasted - lay on the floor, needing to nap wasted! But now I can do a fairly intense workout like Core de Force and still function for the remainder of the day. And function pretty well.
So now I'm not so intimidated but the long workouts. I still very much like this program and I'm going to see what other things they offer.
Here are my (very) sweaty selfies....
Follow me on Instagram (@emilykroekerfitness)
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