Thursday, November 10, 2016

Crazy Eyes

This week I have been feeling sorry for myself. My job search is going nowhere. The two leads I did have have all but vanished. And my plan to become a realtor has been put on hold - not that that's a bad thing necessarily just another set back. My Beachbody account expired and I wondered if it was even worth renewing. So I wallowed. And ate Halloween candy. And sat in my comfy chair and continually refreshed twitter. Not very productive. And it only fed into my pity party. Last night I checked the Beachbody on Demand app to see if there was something even remotely interesting. I saw that Core de Force was offered as a Challenge du jour - that means free. So that got me interested. This morning, I found my shoes and did an amazing Muay-Thai inspired workout that helped me punch and kick and elbows all those negative thoughts away. So now I am feeling much better, much more positive and ready to tackle the rest of this week and weekend.

It's amazing how much better I feel after getting some exercise and yet when I'm in one of those moods, exercise is that absolute last thing I want to do. I have to realize that motivation is not something you have but something you give yourself. So much easier said than done. Especially when curling up with a Kit Kat under a blanket is a lot easier than moving and doing well, anything.

So here's my sweaty crazy eyed pic of the day. Work out complete. Good mood returning. Let's do this!!

Have a good and safe Remembrance Day tomorrow. I will be travelling so no updates from me. Remember all those who went before you to ensure your safety and security. Spare a thought for them and their loved ones. 

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