Tuesday, September 20, 2016

As Simple As ABC Extreme

Abs, Butt & Core. That's what I worked today. And I found that I can now do a pretty decent sit up! Not bad for someone who used to have to roll over in order to sit up!
Since I took a long weekend and didn't do too much, I'm trying to make up for it today. I did a good 30 minute workout this morning and I'm planning to bake buns after I finish posting this. You wouldn't think that baking would be a great workout but there is a lot of strength that goes into kneading dough. That is if you want nice, fluffy buns, or as my youngest daughter calls them, puffy buns. So rock hard buns for me, nice fluffy buns for lunch!

Monday, September 19, 2016


I took the weekend off from working out. By Saturday, my body was so sore and exhausted that I couldn't exercise even if I wanted to. So I was all excited to start today. But then...

I don't think I like yoga. My workout today was supposed to be Yoga Fix Extreme. And I am ashamed, I quit. But I found it so boring! I guess it's supposed to be relaxing and I'm sure it hard work but it's SO BORING!! Tomorrow's workout is Lower Fix Extreme so hopefully it will be a better day. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Excuses, Excuses

I had so many excuses not to exercise today.
  • I've worked out all week
  • It's Friday
  • I started too late so I'm out of my routine 
  • My daughter will be bored while I work out
But I decided to start anyway. Then the video wouldn't play. I've been streaming the 21 Day Extreme BOD on my Apple TV but it wouldn't even play on my phone! So I closed the program and tried again. I finally got it to play on the tv. Then my husband called - someone is coming to the house in an hour, will I be around? Lol, I'll probably still be working out at this rate!! I got off the phone and started the video again. Then the app crashed! So I tried it again (at this point I seriously consider just turning off the tv and calling it a day). But, you create results, not excuses. So I pushed on and thankfully nothing else happened and I finished the work out. I think the only thing that kept me going was the drive to show that nothing can stop me, and maybe the possibility of a sweaty selfie. I love me a good sweaty selfie!!

Today's sweaty selfie is brought to you by Dirty 30 Extreme. And no excuses!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Walk - Don't Run

I've come to a realization. I don't run. And that's okay. Cuz know what I can do? I can walk. After about 2 minutes of running, I want to curl up in a little ball and never move again. But I can walk all day. And I'm not talking about a nice relaxing stroll, I mean a brisk, long stretching legs out walk with a purpose walk. Heart pounding, breathing hard walk. And I actually enjoy it! So after I dropped off my daughter at the sitter's I took the long way home and walked with a purpose. It was fun. I need to do this more often. 

When I got home, I put on the 21 Day Fix Extreme - Cardio Fix Extreme. It kicked my butt. I had to modify the modified moves! But I didn't give up and I didn't stop moving the entire 30 minutes. Then I didn't move for awhile. 

By the way, that's not a tear. That's sweat dripping down my face! I got a lot of sweat in my eyes this morning! But one of my favourite sayings is, "Sweat is fat crying!" 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Pilates Fix Extreme

After working my upper body (especially my arms!) so hard yesterday I was worried about today's workout! It was Pilates Fix Extreme. I don't have a resistance band so I had to modify it a bit. I used weights when I could but honestly, just body weight seemed enough! 

I'm always a little cautious when it comes to purchasing exercise equipment. I never know if I'm going to use it enough to justify the cost. Plus, I can usually modify the work out to what I have on hand. But maybe a resistance band would be a good idea. 

I remember a time when I had such little core strength that sitting up in bed was nearly impossible. I'd have to roll over just to sit up. And now, here I am able to do multiple sit-ups and other exercises requiring core muscles!! Yay!! 

Now on to my post workout snack. Today it will be cottage cheese and strawberries. My favourite!! 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Go for Goals

This morning I did the upper body fix extreme of the 21 day fix extreme. And yes, it was extreme. I took a shower afterwards and I could barely lift my arms to wash my hair!! 

I'm struggling on my goals. I know my long term goal is to be healthy. So when I'm 70-80 years old, I have a strong body and God willing, a strong mind. I don't want to be full of health issues and so frail that I slip and break a hip. But long term goals are so hard to comprehend. It is so far in the further that it does little for my day to day life. And I could get hit by a bus long before I need a walker! 

My original goal was to get back in my new pants. Done. Then it was to feel confident in a bathing suit. Close enough - and summer is all but over now. So what's next? I found an old pair of jeans in the back of my closet and I was able to wear them (for most of the day). Is that my goal? To fit in all the pants I have sitting in the back of my closet? And there are a few due to my inability to throw out anything! 

Maybe for now my goal should just be to lift more than I did yesterday and last longer in a video than I did yesterday. Maybe it should be to be able to do a workout video everyday. That's something I haven't been able to accomplish as of yet. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

I'm Back!!

Long Post Alert: I've been feeling kinda lost lately. I lost my job last week and while it isn't the worst thing in the world, it still kinda sucked. I've been trying to keep myself busy but it's not working so well. On Tuesday, I put in my Plyo Fix DVD but after 5 mins, I gave up. Yesterday while I was on Facebook (cuz what else do you do all day?) I saw the 21 Day Fix Extreme is available on Beachbody on Demand for free for awhile. I've been on and off with Beachbody for awhile so I figured I'd give it a shot again. I signed up for the 30 day free trial and streamed the first day of the 21 Day Fix Extreme on my Apple TV. After 5 mins, I gave up and say down. That's when Autumn looked at me said said, "don't give up now, if you want it, you have to work for it!" Good thing my little daughter was engrossed in her iPad because I may have said some bad words. But I hauled my butt off the couch and kept going. And going. And going. Until I had finished the entire workout. I'm sore and exhausted and I might not be able to walk today but I am SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!