Well this week is a write off! I was so pumped Sunday night. Core de Force is offered on Challenge du Jour, and it's a new one - MMA Plyo! Sounds awesome. It's a little long at 47 minutes but it's a program that I love. Monday morning - I bake buns. Usually that's enough work that it counts as an "activity" on my FitBit. But not today! So I thought I could try the Plyo in the afternoon. I didn't even press play. Zero motivation! Tuesday - my regular day off. But I wanted to try Plyo again. But I had so much else on my mind, I needed to get groceries and my youngest daughter had a program at the library. So after 5 minutes, I gave up. Today - my day to exercise. Let's just say that the night was long and full of me not sleeping. And it snowed a bunch. So I decided to forgo the workout in favour of shovelling the driveway. Still exercise, just not the exercise I was expecting.
I really don't know what's going on with me. Maybe I've hit a plateau or something. Maybe I need to try something new. But I don't know what else to do! I could try doing more weights. I enjoyed that before. I just need to find a program that challenges me and excites me. I though that was Core de Force. And if that can't motivate me, what can?
Maybe it's just that time of year. It's the Winter Solstice today. The shortest day. I've been tired. I've been cold. I've been stuck inside. In short, I've been in hibernation mode. I'm hoping this will change with the longer days. I guess I'll just chalk this week up to a bad week and try again next time. I'm taking a break for Christmas but after New Years, I want to get back into it.
Update: I shovelled the driveway and logged my activities into my FitBit (including my baking day). So now I'm back to 2/3 days this week. I feel better now that I've gotten some fresh air. I'll likely spend the rest of the day reading but now at least I know that I've earned the rest!