Monday, January 25, 2016


It's been just over three weeks since I started my lifestyle change. At first, it was difficult to reach for veggies instead of chocolate. And especially to make salad or other vegetables for supper instead of just bypassing it completely. But I've noticed something the other day. I bought two packages of bagels (and a container of cream cheese) and I haven't even touched them. This is significant. My absolute favourite breakfast is a toasted everything bagel with a generous helping of plain cream (full fat). And they have been sitting on my counter since Saturday morning. Now don't get me wrong, I still like my usual comfort food, but I have seen a change in that too. Sure, I'll have a bowl of ice cream in the evening (like I did tonight) but I had a small bowl. And instead of eating a chocolate bar as a snack, I'll eat half of it, or a granola bar instead. And I started eating Greek yogurt (lime flavour). It's got extra protein which keeps me from eating all the bad stuff stuff.

All this gives me hope that this will be a long term change and not a "diet" that I will eventually quit. So needless to say, I'm encouraged. However, I've learned that broccoli gives me gas. So there's that.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Little Bump in the Road

I had a kinda disappointing workout today. I was streaming a video but it just wasn't working the way I wanted it to. First of all, I tried to AirPlay it on the tv. But the wifi was too slow and I couldn't watch the video. So I watched it on the iPad. Which I don't really like doing. But ok. It was pretty choppy at first but it seemed to clear up about halfway through. Until the very end when it crashed completely. So I did a cool down on my own.

It just makes me frustrated. I have all this technology and all I want to do is watch a fitness DVD. And yes, I know, first world problems. So I'm going to think about what I want to do. Whether I want to continue with the DVDs or YouTube or do something different. There's always the stationary bike. But any workout is a good workout!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Goal #1 Achieved!!

My first goal when I started Beachbody was to fit in the pants I bought before Christmas. The ones that were kinda tight but I was still able to do them up and wear them all day. The ones that I tried on after Christmas and was only able to wear for 10 mins before collapsing and peeling them off. Well, after two weeks, I tried them on. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here ya go!!

Yay! They fit again!! And not only that, but they fit comfortably!! I can wear them to work again! Which is great, because I don't have a lot of work pants. So I'm feeling pretty good about my progress so far. And, as a bonus, here is another picture. The one of the left is from Jan 2 and the one of the right is Jan 15. I still have some work to do but I am encouraged!! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Stretching the Truth

Just over 7 years ago, I gave birth to a 10 lbs 2 oz baby girl. Here is a picture of me 2 days before she was born.

I was huge. Yeah, it's okay. I know. I was huge! I had over 10lbs of baby in my belly and she stuck straight out. So afterwards, my tummy was ruined. The skin never quite recovered and the stretch marks. Oh my goodness, the stretch marks!! I have never worn a two piece bathing suit again. 

I have told myself for these last 7 years that it's my skin's fault. The baby stretched my skin out and that's why my stomach looks the way it does. I would see other women with flat abs and console myself with the thoughts that those women had better genes and smaller babies. 

But now I'm starting to wonder. Perhaps those women put in the time and energy in diet and exercise instead of excuses and ice cream. So I'm done. With the excuses anyway, I still like the occasional bowl of ice cream (in moderation). And my goal for this summer is to wear a two piece bathing suit to the lake. It can be a tankini, I have been scared to wear one for over 7 years, but I will wear a two piece bathing suit in public. So help me God. Please, help me, God. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Making Smart Choices

One of the main benefits that I have seen so far from Beachbody is accountability. Making smart choices seems to be my mantra lately. When I reach for a snack, I think about making a smart choice. When it comes to my scheduled exercise times, I know I need to push myself to actually do it.

I know I can't make a huge life style shift and expect it to last. So instead, I can make smart choices and develop better habits. Ones that will last. And ones that hopefully, I can pass on to my daughters.

So thank you to Beachbody and the team environment that you have created. It's making a positive change in my life. And it's always there in the background.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Diet AND Exercise

 I belong to a group of women who get together every Friday morning and exercise. Today was the first meeting since the Christmas break. It was...intense. And I'm not ashamed to say that I'm exhausted. The one interesting thing about our little club, is that it is on the one weekday that I don't work. It's perfect. I go with my youngest daughter, she plays with her little friends while the moms workout. Then when we're done, I have time to get groceries. And I've noticed a change. After I exercise, I tend to buy a lot more vegetables and fruit and high protein lean meat! I used to be the type of person who after a workout, I'd scoop a big bowl of ice cream. Because hey, I earned it! But now I feel that I put all this effort into exercise, the last thing I want to do is undo it all eating bad things! Don't get me wrong, I'll have ice cream later, but right now, I'm craving hard boiled eggs, fruit and water. Lots and lots of water!! 
I've also decided to add another workout day to my week. Friday will stay as my big workout but now I'll be exercising Tuesday and Sunday evenings. I picked evenings because I am not a morning person. I've found that I can ride my stationary bike and still watch tv. So that's the plan going forward. And since my fridge is now stocked with fresh veggies, I plan to eat a heck of a lot better too!

Just Got Serious

A few weeks before Christmas I bought a new pair of pants. They are pretty cute - charcoal with flecks of white. When I tried them on, they were a bit tight. Nothing serious but enough for me to think that if I started working out then they'd fit perfectly. Before Christmas, I washed them and then hung them out to dry. And forgot all about them. Today I decided I'd wear them to work. I put them on and was surprised about just how tight they fit!! Needless to say, I had to wear different pants to work today. :(
So there's the motivation I was looking for. I know that with a little work, I will be rocking those pants in no time!! I'll try and remember to post a pic of me in the pants once I get to the point where they fit again!!

In The Beginning

Today marks the first day of my new life. Yes, I am a tad bit dramatic but I feel like if I'm not, I won't take this seriously and quit. I really want to make this work this year. I think I'm like a lot of people...I make big promises at the end of the year and go right back to what I was doing. Hopefully being accountable to this blog, and to this website, I will find the motivation that I am so very lacking. 
My goals: to wear a two piece bathing suit this summer
How I am going to accomplish this: 
Exercise: 20 minutes twice a week minimum (yoga, cardio, and others)
Nutrition: add more veggies and cut down on sugar
Breakfast- toast with peanut butter, yogurt- no more sugary cereals
Lunch- eggs, sandwiches with lettuce- no more frozen pasta
Supper- large serving of salad/veggies, fish, chicken, homemade pasta- no more skipping veggies 
Okay, it's all there in black and white, so to speak. Now it's up to me to make it happen. I know it won't be easy. I'm pretty lazy and I have a giant peanut butter cup screaming my name from the fridge. But if I want to feel confident this summer, I need to put in the work now. Feel free to join me in this journey, the more the merrier. And if you have any tips to help me stay motivated, please let me know! I can use all the help I can get!!